mouse pad couch. cool. not mine though. my wife would kill me.
this is what it looks like when i walk to work. for REAL.
You guys will be living here soon
hello my love
thank you for calling me last night
i did dream of you again and it was nice
i love you AND adore you
you are my heart
your heart
BIBA – the British Insurance Brokers’ Association
Advice & checklists: Buying a car outside the UK
hello my beautiful wife
hello my beautiful wife
i miss you and can’t wait for you
i love you and want to touch you
hmmm i’m thinking about it now
your heart
dr battlebox, paging dr battlebox
wow if you can figure out what the original message means I’ll buy you a
candy bar.
however, i shall update my details as i am afraid of what will happen when
Dr. Battlebox (i assume it is a security robot) is done with me otherwise.
> —–Original Message—–
> From:
> Sent: 20 May 2004 17:11
> To:
> Subject: Please update your contacts on GTD
> All
> Please can you ensure that your contacts details are up to date on the
> Global Telephone Directory as there is a DR Battlebox Update and I want
> to enusre it contains the most up to date Call Tree.
> Please do this by COB today.
> Cheers
> Parul
Hello lovely from work
hello lovely I’m thinking of you while I’m at work
Good morning beautiful
hello lovely
it’s good to dream of you again
i pray you will get here soon
i miss you
i love you
kiss kiss kiss kiss
kiss kiss
your heart!
mobile phones should be mobile
don’t ever ever ever leave mobile phone on desk at work.
an unattended mobile phone ringing seems to set these folks on edge almost to the point of violence…!
my colleagues in the states kind of take this with a resigned humor but these folks here get very twitchy and irritated to various degrees.
hello loverly heart
hello my sweet!
i misspelled lovely in the subject line but i think we should get used to the sound of it…
you are my love
i fixed email so you can read my love more easily
because i adore you
your heart
Good morning my heart
hello darling
you are truly my heart, i mean that
it’s hard for others to understand
when they talk to you they are talking to me
my heart lives where you live.
i love you and am adoring you!
your heart
[—] The Money Finder
[—] found $40 at HEB.
The cashier gave him stickers. No reward.
[—] was sad.
Then he found $100 in an old wallet (mine).
He got to keep it (the money; he didn’t want the wallet)!
Yay that made up for it! God takes care of us.
hello my heart
hello lovely
here are your morning kisses
kiss kiss
kiss kiss kiss
i adore you my heart
thank you for being my wife and my life
your heart
how a nerd spends the weekend
ok it’s been a very rewarding and educational weekend.
1) updated resume web site (i’m preparing for some marathon networking sessions in the next few months)
2) updated recruiting web site (ditto last point)
3) learned PERL and CGI and updated the church web site to include the new stuff i learned
(this is stuff i can add to that resume too…)
4) learned how to set up photo galleries for my family to use. don’t have a url set up yet.
5) set up the kids’ blog and trained xannie on how to update it
…and the usual stuff, laundry, cleaning, budget, etc.
time for a break
reliable internet access is NICE
my family and i’ve been wired to the ‘net since ’94 when it became available to the publlc.
this adventure (and it’s a very postive one) would not have been possible without the use of the internet.
makes me wonder what my own kids will be doing 20 years from now…?
i’ve learned that a wool scarf, when properly laundered and dried at medium heat, turns to a firm mass of mush. he’s gone out to pasture now. it got stuck in the laundry by mistake.
i feel quite like tom hanks’ character in the movie, “castaway*” , where he’s watching poor wilson floating away and he’s shouting “wilson! wil-SONNNN!” i liked that scarf.
hmmm… i wonder if i should take my wool full-length coat out of the wash now?
Good morning my Heart!
hello darling i woke up thinking of you
someone called on the house line and i was quite confused
(it’s the first incoming call i’ve received on that phone)
i thought it was you calling to see if the line worked
it’s good i didn’t answer in a sexy voice…
i love you my love with all my heart
your heart
good morning my love
hello my heart!
it is sunny outside this morning
and sunny inside my heart as i wake up thinking of you
you are beautiful and lovely
and sexy and cuddly
you are every beauty to me
i love you
your heart