I’m waiting for a computer processes to take place, knowing I’m not going to hit my deadline, and looking for ways to calm the alarms going off in my head…

So I’m cleaning up old emails, puttering about and glancing at the ominously still, black console that hides the churning of activity taking place inside a server somewhere. And taking my lunch break here at the desk as well, waiting for a prompt to pop up so we can continue onwards.

As I look at the screen, I’m reminded of what it’s like to get on a bus on the far eastern end of London on an early Saturday morning… let me take you back there [queue wavy special effect on the screen]

Folks on the East End of town generally take queuing up in a haphazard manner. This goes for anything really – whether it’s waiting for a bus, train, or even walking down the sidewalk. It’s not a thing they take seriously – lines on the sidewalk or in a given waiting area are more hints of suggestions than anything else in that part of the City.

In my mind’s eye, I’m standing in a shifting queue waiting for any given bus (or train) on any given early Saturday afternoon.

As it is here in Houston, a general rush period occurs shortly after the noon hour. The main difference is that in London, the sidewalks and public transport are bursting with activity as well as automobiles on the streets – probably more so.

An interesting thing happens then when the bus (or train) appears in view in this memory of mine in East End London. The almost-neatly-formed queue starts to clot and thicken, as does gravy in a hot pan. Folks begin to close in, anticipating where the door will be, and the occasional foot gets trod upon in the process. I’ve learned how to use my elbows effectively in this type of situation.

As the bus (or train) slows to a halt, the clumps of people congregate into a tight mass. Think of photos of iron fillings on a white piece of paper as they arrange themselves along the lines of flow when a magnetic bar is placed under the paper. A collective shiver of anticipation and hidden sideways glances pass through the crowd of now-nearly-formless groups of people as they plot their move into the vehicle.

And then, as the door opens, a nearly silent mad rush occurs to get into the opening. There’s a definite feeling of suppressed panic that one gets when trying to keep some civil distance away from those in front, as those behind are relentlessly pushing forward. At some point, the pressure wave of flesh, clothing and various amplitudes of scent pops one through the opening, where a similar but less urgent demand for space is taking place.


At this point in my mind, a juxtaposition takes place. This image I just painted is kind of what I’m imagining is happening behind that magic black screen that holds my progress hostage.

At the moment, we’ve a number of dev-types like myself who are also shoving our way into various bits of the system, all at the same time. And like any given Saturday afternoon in any given point of East End London, we’re causing a rush of activity that is no less mad than the scene I’ve taken part of many times on the physical realm.

Ah well, all’s well. We’ll keep churning on then, and will cheer those invisible byte-sized travelers along as they make their way along their journey.

…it was work-related, some emergency that needed fixing on the spot.  It’s been a long time since i’ve been working as a support person and i’m reminded of why i don’t actively chase those roles 😀

Well, it’s better than the knock on the door at 3 am.  At least i get paid for the work call, the middle-of-the-night door knocking always means i’m paying for something at some point 😛

Successful SVN re-integration linked to ACR in CQ; that was due to a SIR assigned to me via QC. Yay, otherwise I would have been SOL AFAIK, bcuz the due date is ASAP.

Ah well LOL squared is better than PTSD…

Yes this is my life these daze, mostly work, tach hitting redline for awhile now, yay and weeeee

29 June 2010 at 22:01

o yah and i’m s’posed to be working right now XD

well i am, just needed a much deserved break

ooo shiny www.last.fm electronica station! and it scrobbles too

29 June 2010 at 22:25

o fun, a challenge!

“Checking to see if re-integrating branch will result in merge conflicts…
Re-integration will result in merge conflicts for the echo following file(s):”

for those reading this who aren’t familiar with this error message, let’s just say you don’t want to become familiar with it, heh.

29 June 2010 at 22:58
yay issue resolved. next?!?

see what fun a challenge can be? woop woop put on my party hat now.

ok maybe it’s not THAT much fun.

29 June 2010 at 23:23

no! my java heap needs more space

o i long for the days of yore, when all ’twas needed was 637 kb to store

29 June 2010 at 23:26

see, if i were to post this stuff above on my WORK “facebook”, my co-workers who don’t know me as well as those on here would seriously doubt my unarguably awesome skills 😀

29 June 2010 at 23:44

…elvis has left the building…

“thengyew, thengyew verrymush”

30 June 2010 at 02:38

[commenter] Even I know it’s very bad if your java heap needs more space… 🙂

yes and the worst part is that the camera adds ten pounds when i take a snapshot for code review signoff. quite embarrassing, that

if i were a nuclear physicist who was also a genetic biologist, i’d be tempted to engineer a nuclear cow, but would hesitate to do so for fear that the results would be udderly devastating.

O I really needed this laugh… was doing research on Class A misdemeanors in Texas and came upon a question posted on a web page: “(I)…was charged with a class a misdemeeanor for assault of a family member
if convicted how much time do i have to wait to possess a firearm again?”

My thoughts? Ummm maybe forever?

hey did you know today is april fool’s day?

31 March 2010 at 16:34
[commenter] I forgot all about it! Thanks for the reminder.

31 March 2010 at 16:47
[commenter] April Fools – it’s not until tomorrow. Oh wait, I can’t say April Fools today. This is so confusing!

31 March 2010 at 16:48
heh heh heh and so it begins…

Yah when you’re an honorable man, people will sometimes take advantage of you, will sometimes take your stuff.

But they can’t take your honor, and your kids will note that.

If you are blessed you might even hear your beliefs repeated in your kids’ own words 🙂 and then it’s a good day.

God’s with me and i like His humour.

Just wrote a check for tithe. The check number is 1010.

Today’s date? 01-10-10 (in england that would be 10-01-10).

Odd thing about binary humour, it’s either funny or it’s not 😀

You shall hear the predator in one of three situations:

1. When he is attacking out of fear.

2. When he is attacking out of anger.

3. When he is bluffing an attack.

Else he shall be silent. Learn the meaning of the sounds you hear, and be wary of the silence that cloaks an attack.

I am a fan of the concept of “Complexity”.

“Complexity” is akin to “Chaos Theory” but with an added dimension.  It’s up there with some of Einstein’s, Stephen Hawking’s, Douglas Adams’ and Terry Pratchett’s deep thoughts of Liff, The Universe, and Everything.

Now before I go scaring you off, it means basically this:

Imagine a mature tree, with strong, deep roots embedded deeply in the ground.

Imagine a solid cliffside by the sea, aeons old and basically immovable.

By themselves, these do nothing, except maybe observe the leaf or odd pebble tumbling off themselves.

Some might say this is boring.  And some might be quite right.

In contrast, imagine a different scenario, tumbling in over the horizon and coming very very quickly.

Envision lots of water.  And wind.  Lots and lots of wind.

Water and wind in motion is, in essence, the core concept of “Chaos Theory”, where things change constantly and no one can predict where something will be from one moment to the next.

Some might say this is frightening.  And some might be quite right.

Now what happens when the two worlds collide?

Or to put it more accurately, when the chaotic world collides with, and engulfs the static and motionless world?

When this happens, we have what is called a “Complex System”.

Lots of stuff happening here.

Some of the moving things STOP moving and some of the stationary things START moving.  Usually in a hurry.  Depending on the storm, it can be quite full of Drama.

Some might call this exciting.  I personally believe this to be right.

This I believe is where Life began, where God placed His infinitely large and microscopic hand in a complex stew of rigidity and turbulence and bound the two together for all of eternity.

Coming out of this is also another thought.

I believe Excitement is where Fear meets Confidence.

One cannot be excited if one is in terror of a thing.  Neither can one be excited if one is bored to tears.

Only when the two meet is when true heartfelt excitement – and joyful laughter – comes bubbling forth.

Those of a technical mind may want to come up with a formula like E=F+C or other such thing and try calculate the impact and predict how this works.  I’ve tried.  So have others who have much much more time and mental capacity to do this 🙂

Those of a different mind may want to just watch the excitement as it comes ones way, because the same concept applies to our personal lives, just as it applies to wind, rain, trees and cliffsides.

I can’t avoid the Chaos so I aim to seek Confidence.  That way, when the storms of life hit, I dig deep and hold my roots or solid rock foundation steady.  And only then can I try to enjoy the excitement that comes.

This doesn’t mean I come out of the storms unhurt.

Sides of cliffs crumble.

Limbs of trees are torn off.

That is life, and we can’t avoid that.

But we can survive.  In surviving we can appreciate the source of my Confidence, who is my God and my Lord**, and look to Him for healing when healing is needed.

** actually He doesn’t belong to me, I’m HIS and just am glad to be in His heart

As for Healing, that ultimately comes from God, but sometimes He administers this through his own creations, his cherished ones.  Amazingly enough, yes, through us, broken and scarred and scared and joyful ones.

I could write another story about that subject alone.  And perhaps I shall.

But for the moment, I’ll simply look out my metaphoric window and ponder the coming storm.

And will find excitement in it.