Work work work work
Hey it works for the boy, why not my 12-piece chicken and sides order?
What did you do?
…one of the grandson’s first clear phrases he’s learned to say? “Uh-oh, what did you DO?” Yes, he’s a very active lad.
Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam
Howdy, mate. And g’day
All in a row
Dum deee dum, o, a box.
Dog and Bucketfly
Fun game
My grandson and i are playing a game where he touches things and i keep him from tearing them apart.
So far it’s keeping both of us busy and out of trouble.
Again with the bucket
Important things are important
I hugged my grandson just now and got boogers all over my shirt collar. That’s ok, because the important thing was that i hugged my grandson.
Thanking God for the little things that are huge in reality
Rock on baby boy
This weekend I learned that my grandson likes classical music.
Baroque, to be precise.
Vivaldi, to be even more precise.
Rock on baby boy
Jingle bells
For weeks I thought the little jingling noise in the back of my head when I walked from my truck to my office was due to a loose wire in my head.
No, it turns out I had stuffed my grandson’s toy in my backpack and had forgotten it was there.
Now I might still have a loose wire in my head but that isn’t the cause for jingle jingle jingle jingle…