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Are you done yet?

“Gwumpa, what you doing? Gwumpa, what you doing? What you doing, Gwumpa? Gwumpa, what you doing?

Are you done? Are you done? Are you done? Gwumpa, you done yet? Are you done?

Gwumpa where are you? Where are you Gwumpa? Gwumpawhere are you?

Where you go, Gwumpa?”

The kid’s a natural. Sounds more and more like me these days at work, haha.


Excercising our rights

Tues night exercise class:

1. Climb on the couch, with grandkid in lap

2. Start up “Assassin’s Creed II”

3. Have Ezio Auditore da Firenze climb to a very very very high point

4. Find the jumpy spot on the high point and, naturally, make Ezio jump

5. Shout EEEEAAAAAGLLLLE as he somersaults into a wagon of hay

6. AGAIN, do it again, gwumpa

Rhoda skaping

Just came back from taking the littleun roller skating. Or, as he calls it, “Rhoda skaping”.

And momma even survived the experience.

Although I thought she was going to need heart pills when he started jumping, trying to twist in the air, and land sideways on his skates…

One thing lead to another

It is 12:47 pm sunday afternoon and my grandson’s toy truck is broken on the kitchen counter.

I note this because at around 10:45 this morning i put the broken toy on the counter and turned around to get some super-glue.

Suddenly it’s two hours later and the guest bathroom is scrubbed, all the tile floor is swept & mopped, area rugs vacuumed, laundry half-done and dishes loaded & dishwasher running.

It all started because when i turned to get the super-glue i noticed that i needed to clear a spot on the kitchen table to make room for the super-glue mini-project. In doing that i noticed the floor needed sweeping. That led to dishes, which led to…

And the toy is still not worked on.

I can see how college house parties can get out of hand very quickly


Rebel with a clue

Grandson found a new way to defy authority.

He’s scattered my 8 pieces of bubblewrap film (each about 8 feet long) around the house in what appears to be strategic places.

Then when he does something he’s not supposed to, and me or his momma go over to stop him, our frustration and parental gravitas is extinguished when we walk (or sometimes run) to where he’s doing his shenanigans.

“HEY I TOLD YOU NOT (pop pop) to (pop) (giggle) do (pop) (giggle) hey look i can pop too (pop pop pop)”