Work work work work

“well, i don’t know, chuck, that sounds like a lot of work…”

“hey then it’s a good thing that working is something we love to do!”

gotta love “Chuck & Friends”



Hey it works for the boy, why not my 12-piece chicken and sides order?


What did you do?

…one of the grandson’s first clear phrases he’s learned to say? “Uh-oh, what did you DO?” Yes, he’s a very active lad.

Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam

Grandpa lets me hit those pan things with those spoon things.

It’s loud and fun until mom comes back inside


Howdy, mate. And g’day

Howdy, mate. And g’day


All in a row

The boy seems to have inherited some organisational skills. Not a bad thing really


Dum deee dum, o, a box.

Dr’s office. Bored. Box. What else would we expect to do?


Dog and Bucketfly

Dog and Bucketfly

It’s a 70s thing


Fun game

My grandson and i are playing a game where he touches things and i keep him from tearing them apart.

So far it’s keeping both of us busy and out of trouble.

Again with the bucket

Today, we play the “there’s a bucket on my head” song and dance routine.

The puppy was amused


Important things are important

I hugged my grandson just now and got boogers all over my shirt collar. That’s ok, because the important thing was that i hugged my grandson.

Thanking God for the little things that are huge in reality

Rock on baby boy

This weekend I learned that my grandson likes classical music.

Baroque, to be precise.

Vivaldi, to be even more precise.

Rock on baby boy

Jingle bells

For weeks I thought the little jingling noise in the back of my head when I walked from my truck to my office was due to a loose wire in my head.

No, it turns out I had stuffed my grandson’s toy in my backpack and had forgotten it was there.

Now I might still have a loose wire in my head but that isn’t the cause for jingle jingle jingle jingle…

He has yet to learn how to shout “Goooooaaaaaallllllllll”, but he’s got the “gaaaaa” part down
