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About the Author

Gwumpa Stories

I'm a gwumpa. A grandfather, more precisely, but to those who matter to these stories, I'm simply Gwumpa. Those are the ones who sing with me when no one else is around to hear my squawking. The ones who think that a dusty old model car is a trophy for winning a racing event, even when told the car was actually a gift from someone long ago. The ones who look at their mom and dad and then at me, and play, "spot the differences" in their heads. The ones who carry on my parents' legacy. I'm very aware of how precious are the moments of clarity the little ones bring to us - if we are tuned in enough to listen to what we are hearing. That's why this site exists... to help me remember this as my life force ebbs and wanes. Perchance to bring a smile to your face. Maybe you have the honour of recognising these these moments, too, with your own children and little grandbitties. If so, you are blessed indeed. Peace and awareness to you , always.



The grandboy is reading the instructions on a trampoline.

Grandboy: Hey it says children should be using this with supervision. So I need an adult with me.

Me: You wouldn’t need one if you were Superboy.

Grandboy: Huh? Why is that?

Me: Because he already has super vision.


Saved by the firebell

We are enjoying the bonfire.  The grandboy comes walking over with a smoldering piece of wood.

Grandboy: Grandpa, we’re both lucky.

Me: Oh yah? Why is that?

Grandboy (with a look of suspicion on his face): Well, this is the SECOND time I’ve rescued my hammer and battle rifle from your fire.

Me (thinking quickly, as I didn’t realize it had made it into the burn pile): Well now it’s stronger for having survived the fire.

Grandboy: Twice.

Me: And that’s actually how ancient warriors used to harden their spears.

Grandboy (whacking the ground with his blackened weapon now that it’s in Hammer Mode): Yep look how strong this is!


Grandboy: …and THAT’S why making my wife happy is the most important thing.

Me: Well, what if making your wife happy hurts the entire family? I’m not sure you’d want that.

Grandboy (thinking): Oh yah, like if my wife says, “honey it would make me so happy if you robbed a bank” and I’d be like, “no my love because I’d end up in prison and the kids would have no dad and you’d have to earn all the money by yourself” so yah in that case I’d have to tell her “NO” and let her be unhappy.

I’ll save the question, ‘And what if robbing the bank was the only way to save your child’s life?” for a later day, hehe

Tricky, tricky girls

Grandboy: A while ago a girl at school introduced me to her friend as “her boyfriend”

Me (raised eyebrow): Hmmm?

Grandboy (quickly): But I really wasn’t her boyfriend and said “hey I’m not your boyfriend” and she was like “yah, he’s a friend who is a boy”. Isn’t that weird how boy friend” and “boyfriend” sound so much alike?

Me: Maybe she really wanted you to be her boyfriend…

Grandboy (lightbulb moment): …ooo yahhh and she was testing me to see if I would say yes I AM her boyfriend!

Me: Girls can be tricky

Grandboy: …but can’t trick ME

Me: Well someday you MAY be someone’s boyfriend so you’d better be a good one.

Grandboy: But THAT day wasn’t the day! Whew I barely escaped with my LIFE

Sing a song of sixpence

I’ve learned the eldest grandboy fills quiet spaces with his homemade songs. As a result, I’ve subtly made an increase in quiet spaces effective immediately.

He seems to have absorbed Gene Kelly’s style, so that’s not a bad thing at all.

How did he pick up on Gene Kelly? Well it’s not all punk and EDM over here when I’m working from home!

No playing in the bath

Grandboy (preparing to take a bath): Grandpa tonight I’m just taking a quick bath. No playing or anything.

Me: Ok

Grandboy: You know how sometimes I play in the bath.

Me: Yep

Grandboy: Just a quick one.

Me: Yep

Grandboy: Not playing so I can get out quickly.

Me: Ok.

Grandboy (running the water and to the Minecraft guys): Ok guys no playing today

Minecraft guys (in unison): YES SIR

Grandboy (singing): No plaaaayinggg

Minecraft guys (singing): We arennnn’t plaaaayinggg

(Sounds of playing ensue)

Annoying Parrot


Me: What are you doing?


Me (stares in Texan): …

Grandboy: I’m being an annoying parrot

Me: You’re doing a surprisingly good job.

Grandboy: You’re doing a surprisingly good job.

Me: Huh?

Grandboy: Huh?

Me (catching on): I said nothing.

Grandboy: I said nothing.

(we do this for about 5 iterations)

Me: Would you like a hug?

Grandboy: Would you like a hug?

Me (reaching out)

Grandboy (reaching out)

* Hug *

—- sometimes we need to get to the root of the behavior —–

Tech support

Introduced the eldest grandson to a software package that allows him to create his own role-playing games. He’s using the ‘puter hooked to the tv and I’m next to him on my laptop.

It’s a wonderful experience as he’s learning the power of creating games instead of playing them. He can create the dialogue and environment himself and control the number and power of monsters that the team he creates will encounter.

I’m also reminded of why paired programming is not my fav style of development. I’ve installed a copy of the software on my laptop so I can delve deeper into areas of interest, and suddenly I’ve become the research guy on the two-person team 🙂

And I thought I was going to have an easy winter hols break from work, haha


Grandboy: Grandpa I had a really bad nightmare last night

Me (preparing for a tale of zombies and monsters): O no. Would you like to talk about it?

Grandboy: Yah. I dreamt I logged onto my game and all the high level people I worked so hard for had vanished. It was horrible.

Me: Ah. I know the feeling.

Grandboy: You had a dream like that?

Me: Yep it’s called retirement planning, boy