Questions, questions

I’ve grown to appreciate the fact that knowing all the answers is not as important as knowing the right questions to ask.

I’ll take a tip from the grandboy and use his two powerhouse tools of the trade more often: “what is that?” and “how come?”

Of course I’ll leave off the word, “grandpa” at the end of the question… unless I’m making a point, that is 🙂

Oops, now what?

The littleun has figured out how the child-safety locks on the cupboards work.

This is a game-changer.

Go speed racer, go!

Gramps is on child duty this morning so it’s Speed Racer marathon today!

Some things are too good to keep to just one generation or two

Young engineer at play

Seems that sliced cheese (sliced from a block, not in wrappers) makes for a great adhesive. I found some toys ‘glued’ together today.

Seems like littleun appreciates how, when freshly sliced, the cheese is soft and pliant, but after time and exposure to air, it becomes firm enough to hold items together.

Megapoints for junior engineering skills but no more unsupervised snacking with the stuff 🙂

Songwriting 101

I think the repetitive nature of some modern-day lyrics is a reflection of conversations we have with little kids

“Yes that’s a hole Yes that’s a hole

Yes that’s a hole in the couch

No please don’t poke it

NO PLEASE don’t rip it

Please yes please leave the hole all alone”


I asked the littleun to use his “inside voice”.

And he did. Apparently he thought he was inside a lumber mill 😛

I don’ wanna wake up

The littleun is often sad because he has to wake up before the sun wakes up.

I empathize.

On TV and movies, folks either lazily roll around before getting up, get wake-up phone calls, or slap the alarm clock, but in most cases we see bright daylight streaming in the windows instead of the groggy reflections of themselves as they try to peek out to see what the weather looks like.

Where is this magical land and how do I get there? Haha

I’m angry, gwumpa. Really, really angry

One thing I do is let the littleuns know it’s ok to cry and be angry and to come back when the crying is over.

Then we can talk about what all the fuss was about.

Hard to do in public though 😀

Sir Gallant the Ill

The littleun is ill.

He told momma this morning a dragon is in his belly and his heart is breaking.

Spoken like a true warrior


Today we play ‘grumpy bear’ where the littleun pretends to be sleeping, and when I bounce the ball off the wall and it hits him, he jumps up and roars.

I think he got the idea from me, when the roles were reversed and I wasn’t just pretending to be asleep

Are you done yet?

“Gwumpa, what you doing? Gwumpa, what you doing? What you doing, Gwumpa? Gwumpa, what you doing?

Are you done? Are you done? Are you done? Gwumpa, you done yet? Are you done?

Gwumpa where are you? Where are you Gwumpa? Gwumpawhere are you?

Where you go, Gwumpa?”

The kid’s a natural. Sounds more and more like me these days at work, haha.


Excercising our rights

Tues night exercise class:

1. Climb on the couch, with grandkid in lap

2. Start up “Assassin’s Creed II”

3. Have Ezio Auditore da Firenze climb to a very very very high point

4. Find the jumpy spot on the high point and, naturally, make Ezio jump

5. Shout EEEEAAAAAGLLLLE as he somersaults into a wagon of hay

6. AGAIN, do it again, gwumpa



Unless of course you are grandpa, throwing the ball against the wall and pinging some grandchild with it


Rhoda skaping

Just came back from taking the littleun roller skating. Or, as he calls it, “Rhoda skaping”.

And momma even survived the experience.

Although I thought she was going to need heart pills when he started jumping, trying to twist in the air, and land sideways on his skates…

What can monkeys do?

No jumping on the bed with shoes on yer feet. Even grampa has rules

What do monkeys do?

Twenty minutes of non-stop jumping on the bed.

Not me, the grandtoddler. Gramp just encouraged it the whole time.

Littleun called it quits by laying on his back finally with a big, “AAAAAAHHHHH”

My job here is done tonight