Grandboy (looking at his empty bowl): Grandpa, in another multiverse I got another bowl of ice cream…
Me: Hm. Well that version was visiting a grandpa in a different multiverse, too
Grandboy (looking at his empty bowl): Grandpa, in another multiverse I got another bowl of ice cream…
Me: Hm. Well that version was visiting a grandpa in a different multiverse, too
Grandboy: A while ago a girl at school introduced me to her friend as “her boyfriend”
Me (raised eyebrow): Hmmm?
Grandboy (quickly): But I really wasn’t her boyfriend and said “hey I’m not your boyfriend” and she was like “yah, he’s a friend who is a boy”. Isn’t that weird how boy friend” and “boyfriend” sound so much alike?
Me: Maybe she really wanted you to be her boyfriend…
Grandboy (lightbulb moment): …ooo yahhh and she was testing me to see if I would say yes I AM her boyfriend!
Me: Girls can be tricky
Grandboy: …but can’t trick ME
Me: Well someday you MAY be someone’s boyfriend so you’d better be a good one.
Grandboy: But THAT day wasn’t the day! Whew I barely escaped with my LIFE
Grandboy: Grandpa why are the “best rated” games on Xbox store so violent?
Me: Because…
I’ve learned the eldest grandboy fills quiet spaces with his homemade songs. As a result, I’ve subtly made an increase in quiet spaces effective immediately.
He seems to have absorbed Gene Kelly’s style, so that’s not a bad thing at all.
How did he pick up on Gene Kelly? Well it’s not all punk and EDM over here when I’m working from home!
Grandboy (preparing to take a bath): Grandpa tonight I’m just taking a quick bath. No playing or anything.
Me: Ok
Grandboy: You know how sometimes I play in the bath.
Me: Yep
Grandboy: Just a quick one.
Me: Yep
Grandboy: Not playing so I can get out quickly.
Me: Ok.
Grandboy (running the water and to the Minecraft guys): Ok guys no playing today
Minecraft guys (in unison): YES SIR
Grandboy (singing): No plaaaayinggg
Minecraft guys (singing): We arennnn’t plaaaayinggg
(Sounds of playing ensue)
Me: What are you doing?
Me (stares in Texan): …
Grandboy: I’m being an annoying parrot
Me: You’re doing a surprisingly good job.
Grandboy: You’re doing a surprisingly good job.
Me: Huh?
Grandboy: Huh?
Me (catching on): I said nothing.
Grandboy: I said nothing.
(we do this for about 5 iterations)
Me: Would you like a hug?
Grandboy: Would you like a hug?
Me (reaching out)
Grandboy (reaching out)
* Hug *
—- sometimes we need to get to the root of the behavior —–