Grandboy (waving his hands over one of my contact juggling balls): Grandpaaaaa I’m reeeadinnnng yourrrr fortuuuuuune…

Me: Oh that’s nice. Is it good fortune?

Grandboy (same voice): In fifteen years… you’ll meet the love of your life. And you’ll have babies. A boy and a girl.

Me: Huh. That would be interesting. That means your momma could have a baby sister.

Grandboy: Yah! A baby sister.

Me: And that means you’ll have a new aunt. Just like your uncles.

Grandboy (thinking)

Me: And you can help change your aunt’s diapers.

Grandboy (mind blown): Wait a minute. I’D BE CHANGING MY AUNT’S DIAPERS. She’s supposed to be older than me. BUT SHE’D BE A BABY

Me: So maybe I shouldn’t have any new babies. That would just confuse everyone, huh?

Grandboy: Yah Grandpa that would be confusing.