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Cars making doughnuts

Grandboy: What if a car made doughnuts?

Me: Do you mean if you spun around in circles to do doughnuts in a car?

Grandboy: No, like if you spun the car around and all of a sudden a real- life giant doughnut was on the ground.

Me: Ha yep that would be pretty cool.

Grandboy: The color of the tires makes the kind of doughnut.

Me: O like black tires make chocolate doughnuts and red tires make strawberry doughnuts?

Grandboy: Exactly.


Hehehe heโ€™s asked a question I asked a long time ago ๐Ÿ˜


Follow-up conversation while cuddling in the morning:

Grandboy: Grandpa, you remember the donut thing?

Me: Yep.

Grandboy: Iโ€™ll bet the doughnuts taste like dirt.

Me: And rubber.

Grandboy: But Iโ€™d still eat them.

Me: Mmmmm dooooughnuuuutsss