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Cars making doughnuts

Grandboy: What if a car made doughnuts?

Me: Do you mean if you spun around in circles to do doughnuts in a car?

Grandboy: No, like if you spun the car around and all of a sudden a real- life giant doughnut was on the ground.

Me: Ha yep that would be pretty cool.

Grandboy: The color of the tires makes the kind of doughnut.

Me: O like black tires make chocolate doughnuts and red tires make strawberry doughnuts?

Grandboy: Exactly.


Hehehe he’s asked a question I asked a long time ago 😁

Follow-up conversation while cuddling in the morning:

Grandboy: Grandpa, you remember the donut thing?

Me: Yep.

Grandboy: I’ll bet the doughnuts taste like dirt.

Me: And rubber.

Grandboy: But I’d still eat them.

Me: Mmmmm dooooughnuuuutsss

Help an old lady, would ya?

Me: So, would you let a box of money in a truck drive away or help an old lady across the street?

Grandboy (scoffs): Grandpa. I’d help the old lady.

Me: Even if you knew you’d never get the money?

Grandboy: Was it my money in the box?

Me: Does that matter?

Grandboy: Well I’d need to know if I had to work harder to pay my bills.

Me: Well what if she was a mean old lady?

Grandboy: How do you mean? Like mean to me or mean to everyone?

Me: Everyone. She trips little kids and laughs at them.

Grandboy: Well… I’d get the money and use it to visit her and maybe help her in the hospital.