Grandboy, interrupting me during prayers: What? God’s YOUR dad? He makes stars and fish and stuff.

Me: Well I have a dad here on Earth and a dad who is in heaven​ – God. And you do too.

Grandboy (makes a face): My dad is bad. He breaks the law. I don’t like him.

Me (gently): Listen. Yes. He did do that. But God still loves him anyway. I pray your dad gets better and learns to do good things.

Grandboy: God loves him even if he’s bad?

Me: Yes. He might not like what he does, but he still loves him. Just like I may not always like what you do, but I always love you.

Grandboy (folds hands): God, please help my dad be good so he can do good things like me. Okay, God? You can do it. Amen.

— We could all use a prayer warrior like that in our corner 🙂