Cool like Gwumpa

Grandboy: Hey gwumpa I see you changed your gamertag picture. Show me how to change mine please.

Me: Sure (shows him how)


Me: Yep, pic any one you want

Grandboy: So, why you not choose a cool one for yours?

Me: …

— Schooled by a six year old. Wow that happened too soon

Refrigerator is cool

Me: Hey come on in and see something cool

Grandboy: Is it a new GAME?

Me: Nope

Grandboy: Is it a new PUPPY?

Me: Nope

Grandboy: I know it’s a BASEBALL BAT!

Me: Nope

Grandboy (exasperated): Auuugh gwumpa what is it?!?

Me: It’s a new refrigerator

Grandboy: That’s not cool…

Me: Are you kidding? What’s cooler than a refrigerator?!?!? Get it a refrigerator is cool

Grandboy: Joke’s not cool, gwumpa

St George

Grandboy (with his walking stick in hand, and the stick trailing behind him: Hmm hm hmm hmm hmmmmm

Mamasan: Hey you’d better get your stick off the ground

Grandboy: Mom it’s not a stick, it’s a DRAGON (Winks to me)

Mamasan: What? O. A dragging stick. It’s a-draggin. A dragon. So funny.

What can I say? He’s a good student.

Little hands, big hearts

Grandboy: Momma what does that man’s sign say?

Mamasan: It says he’s hungry and he’s looking for money for food 🙁

Grandboy: (silent)

Mamasan: (wondering what’s happening, looks back)

Grandboy: (window rolled down, shouting): Here! Here! You can have my sandwich!

Homeless man (looking down at the outstretched hand welding a soggy, mostly-eaten bit of breakfast): Why THANK you. Thank you so much.

Grandboy: Momma! Just like you said! The time was right to give something! He heard me and I had something… Thank you momma

That little morsel of bread wouldn’t sustain the man for long. But maybe the message is food for his soul.

You go mamasan, keep teaching the boy to be the change he wants to see in the world.