Lessons in Lost Vegas
Manasan (driving in rush-hour traffic): Boy, we’re lost. The phone’s dead. The car phone charger isn’t working. I don’t recognise this part of town. I have to pee.
Grandboy: Ok I’ll behave. (they drive, continue to get lost, and start talking about what it would be like to spend the night sleeping in the car)
Grandboy: O! have an idea.
Mamasan: What is it?
Grandboy: Let’s PRAY. We’ll pray for God to help us get home.
Mamasan: Ok
Grandboy: Dear GOD, help us. We just want to go home. Momma’s tired and she has to pee. I don’t want to sleep in the car tonight. Amen (they drive over a hill)
Mamasan: What.
Grandboy: What IS it momma?
Manasan I recognise this street. There. See? I KNOW THIS PLACE!
Grandboy: Yay! We can pee now!
Mamasan: Not yet, but we’re almost home.
It’s like that sometimes. We struggle, we get lost a little, we ask for help from a higher power. And sometimes, sometimes, the little miracles help us find our way back home.