Bringin’ home the bacon, woman
Grandboy (pretending to carry a briefcase): Bye mom, I’m going to work now.
Mamasan: Bye! Bring home the bacon.
Grandboy (confused): No mom, I’m not going to the STORE. I’m going to WORK.
Mamasan: O that’s what you say when someone goes to work. “Bring home the bacon”.
Grandboy: OOH I get it. I make money, buy the bacon and bring it home.
Mamasan: Yep.
Grandboy: And YOU cook it for me.
Mamasan: WHAT.
Mamasan (to me): Did YOU teach him that?
Hey I’m the one who taught him not to poke in a lady’s purse. I ain’t gonna be teaching him something as dangerous as THAT, knowing his momma…