Someday I’ll regret answering the grandboy with the answer “Because it’s fun” when i can’t be bothered to provide a proper answer.
Karma’s gonna have fun then 😛
“Why you wiping the table, gwumpa?”
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by thriol
Someday I’ll regret answering the grandboy with the answer “Because it’s fun” when i can’t be bothered to provide a proper answer.
Karma’s gonna have fun then 😛
“Why you wiping the table, gwumpa?”
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by thriol
The grandboy went shopping with me today. He tried to convince me that a bag of doughnuts had bananas hidden inside of them.
He even tried to pelosi me by saying i should buy them to see for sure if they had them or not.
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by duncan
It’s official. Being this far in south-east part of the country, the grandson has picked up the southern drawl.
Like his momma before him at his age, he now says the words “hair” and “sad” using two syllables apiece.
Also he does a fair rendition of “Life is like a box of chocolates” ala that Gump fella.
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by Matt Northam
Grandboy: I sure like my outside clothes.
Me: Why is that?
Grandboy: Well, it’s because, ’cause, because i can go outside and PLAY and i can RUN and they are COOL and, and, BANANAS! [runs away]
I love that closing argument. I should try it at my next business analysis meeting.
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by Furryscaly
Ah the advantages of having an alter ego.
Grandboy did his nighttime routine when momma’s at work… Toilet, teeth, story, prayers, etc.
I’d wondered why he donned his Batman mask half-way through. I didn’t have to wonder for long.
“Gwumpa i need to go potty.” [smiles]
I did the grandfatherly grunt. “But you already went.”
“No i didn’t. I Batman. BATMAN have to go potty now…”
He’s got at least three old halloween getups. Could be a long night 😀
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by boskizzi
Where does this kid get his input?
I made a comment about something and his response was,
“That’s awesome sauce, gwumpa”
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by lincolnblues
Sometimes scribble-scrabble (thinking outside the box) is called for and sometimes it’s not. It all depends on the situation
“Gwumpa I sorry i sneak out and eat cupcakes when you were sleeping.”
“Why did you sneak out? You know you aren’t supposed to sneak while everyone’s sleeping. That can be a problem.”
“I know gwumpa it’s just that my brain my big brain keeps telling me to think about cupcakes and i don’t know how to stop it.”
The grandboy, coming up with a failed reason to delay the inevitable:
“But gwumpa i no need to clean my room.” [thinks] “I know! I will clean it on Sunday.”
“But today IS Sunday.”
Lesson learned today about researching before committing to action…
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by skagman
The passing on of family traditions and lines of thought is so important. Today the grandboy was pretending to be a shark.
“You afwaid, you afwaid of me gwumpa?”
Playing along, i said yes, i was afraid.
I recognized the gleam in his eye as he saw I had fallen into his trap.
Hehehe well played, youngun, well played
Photo credit: tableatny
Little one, being a little stubborn.
“NO Gwumpa, no want food for breakfast.”
I offer a single bit of cereal. “Here, I got a new type (it really was a new type, I wasn’t lying). Try this out and see if you like it. You don’t have to eat the whole bowl. I’m just testing to see if you like this new one.”
I walk away.
The little one pipes up. “HEY GWUMPA I LIKE IT. I can have more? With milk in it?”
The gods of Madison Avenue were smiling.
I can see where surnames like ‘Smith’, ‘Baker’, and ‘Carpenter’ came about.
I’d asked the grandboy what is the name of his little helper and the answer was along the lines of,
“He, he, he don’t have a name. O wait. Yes. His name is ‘SpidermanHelperGuyWhoLikesToWearABrownBeltButHesNotWearingItToday’.”
The grandboy found that the adhesive properties of claydoh (as he calls it) have unexpected advantages. To him of course, not his peeps.
He also knows that everything has mass (we’ll go into the neutrino debate later on, once I study up on that).
The tree has mass. The ball has mass. The dog has mass. His head has mass. Etc.
So what does he say when he jumps on a stick and breaks it?
“I don’t have mass today, gwumpa. Today I have SMASH.”
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by Gwyrosydd
“No, gwumpa,” chirped a small voice as I poured a cup of juice, “I don’t want juice please.”
“Oh?” I raised an eyebrow, “well, it’s not for you.”
[three, two, one…],
“…but you can have some of mine maybe…”
“Ah yes please! Want your juice.”
A little mental elbow grease sometimes gets things moving along.
Photo credit: Eyelashes of a Blue Skinned God
I made the mistake of picking up some cups that were embedded in the grandboy’s collection of toys.
“No don’t please don’t pick it up.”
“I need to pick up the cups so we can wash them.”
“Not a cup gwumpa.” [looks at my hand] “That’s a freeze chamber. Need freeze chamber to stop bad guys gwumpa.”