Jump-starting the morning along
At 6:28 on a holiday weekend morning, the only thing that grandboy should be TRANSFORRRRRMING into is a quiet, sleeping child… :p
At 6:28 on a holiday weekend morning, the only thing that grandboy should be TRANSFORRRRRMING into is a quiet, sleeping child… :p
The grandboy has been in the “repeat what I say mode” – meaning that he keeps saying the same thing over and over until you repeat the last few words he’s said.
And now he’s combining this with his “question mode”.
“Gwumpa, gwumpa look I put a towel on my head! Look, i put a towel on my head. Gwumpa a towel on my head. GWUMPA”
Me: “O look, a towel is on your head.”
“Why gwumpa? Why towel on my head? WHY? Why towel on my head?”
Me: “I don’t know, why is a towel on your head?”
“HAHA” (and runs away)
Now I’ll never know why the towel was on his head. I suspect he was just trolling me.