Even the best intentions go awry.

I was walking with the grandboy in the neighbourhood and we were discussing what was ok to “shoot” with his pretend handgun (a literal gun made with his pointy finger) and what wasn’t.

Squirrels, trees, parked cars, random bugs and fence posts, ok.

People, moving vehicles, dogs, not ok.

If we’re being attacked then yes, the attacker is fair game, regardless of everything else. But first we establish the level of friendliness by saying “hi” first.

So of course on the walk one of the daily exercisers and we cross paths.

“Hi” I said, as we would normally do. He waves and smiles and says “Hi” with a special one for the grandboy.

I look down, expecting a big wave and response.

The grandboy delivers but adds an unsurprising surprise:

“Hi! I’m not gonna shoot you.”

The subtleties of human interaction are yet to be picked up 😛