I have just been reminded of how tiny the grandboy is.
I asked him to share the malted milk ball treats he was holding and he gave me an entire handful.
There were three of them in this handful.
I have just been reminded of how tiny the grandboy is.
I asked him to share the malted milk ball treats he was holding and he gave me an entire handful.
There were three of them in this handful.
The littleun has figured out how the child-safety locks on the cupboards work.
This is a game-changer.
…the grandson just started hollering just now. Seems he got some ice cream in his eye.
My response? “Of course they call it EYE SCREAM because he SCREAMS when you put it in his EYE.”
I was thinking of this before the explanation came from my daughter’s mouth.
Bad Dad Joke Power to the rescue.
…and so it begins…
Momma, to the grandboy, “Go to sleep nice now because you’re going to have a great day in school tomorrow.”
Grandboy, after giving this a good think, “But I already went to school. I went today.”
Good luck, momma
Seems like a rather silly request.
But I want the littleun to remember the scent of trees and grass and outdoor woody things, before the growing-up starts and smelling trees seems like a silly thing to do.