Hi all,

Hope all is well there. I’m giving a status of how the house is doing here. When last I wrote there were some to-do items on our list.


I’ve moved the pics of the house to a new and improved place on my site.

Please log in and take a look. Userid is [—] and password is [—]


Dry so far, this weekend (Memorial weekend) some rain is predicted but not much, thank goodness.

Exterior/ Windows

The original contractor we had come out has not provided an estimate yet. He was supposed to email something and I called to verify his plans but so far no news.

We called out a second one who did provide an estimate and I’ll scan in the doc and send it along. The photos of the work he will be doing here are on the picture site also, and we’ll put up more to help explain what all needs to be done. His company does a lot of work in the Memorial area and we have seen examples of his work.

I’ll follow up with some photos of places his company has already done, and will ask him to provide references as well. Actually he should be able to do this as well if you ask him to do this.

[—]’ Dad used to run a contracting company who built homes here in [—] so she is very much experienced in the business and is good at weeding out the good ones from the guys who don’t know what they are doing or who are overbidding. She’s comfortable with the gentleman who came over and he was coming up with ways to keep the cost down without compromising on quality or taking shortcuts. She’s also a tiger on the negotiating floor so you will definitely have a good advocate working for you here!!! (I’m glad I married her because I couldn’t afford her help otherwise.)

Exterior/ Backyard/ Patio

[—] has hired a guy to help her clear out the (small) trees and overgrowth coming up from the bayou area to the back decking. She bought some plants and ground cover to keep the exposed dirt from eroding over time. It will look quite lovely when it’s all done and the breeze is nice now. The birds and squirrels love the new look too, and [—] and our youngest [—] spend a lot of time watching the activity through the sliding glass doors.

Master bath / Toilet

We hired a plumber to reseat the wiggly toilet. Unfortunately it was a little more than anticipated (isn’t it always though?). The flange that holds the screws to anchor the toilet to the floor was not replaced when the new floor was set down over the old floor. The flange is supposed to be flush with the floor, and it was no longer flush (pun unintentional) with the floor but actually under the new floor by a few inches – enough to cause the issue. The guy did the work to reseat the flange and finished out the reseating of the toilet. It was a few hundred dollars but we’re covering this cost since I authorized the work without consulting you first.

[—] took pictures and they are on the photo web site listed above.

Dryer getting hot

Issue sorted. I found the dryer outlet outside by the front door and it was indeed plugged up with the fluff that got past the dryer’s internal filter. The dryer’s happy now as are we. Yay!

Upstairs neighbors

I haven’t gotten round to exploring the attic yet but it’s on my list this long weekend.

7 May 2005

I’m sitting in a bus in Houston. Yes, that’s Houston, in Texas, USA.

There has been a very exciting and surprising and therefore rushed series of events that brought my family and me back to the States.

Fortunately, my client and I parted on very good terms. No worries, no one was harmed during the process! Although it broke my heart to leave such a nice set of folks who showed me wonderful hospitality during my visit in the UK.

I’ll continue to post items here for awhile, even though technically this is no longer a London blog. However, the transition from
Houston-to-London-back-to-Houston is very much a part of this entire journey.

Those who travel for a living are quite familiar with this concept, so if you are one of these folks, you can skip this post, as it will be old news for you.

However, I really have to document this while it’s still fresh on my mind.

Some things have changed while we were gone. Now normally we see changes appear over time, construction workers building or tearing something down, storms come and the newscasters talk about the effects of the storm for a few days, and we come to accept the change as it occurs.

Except in the case where one is not here to be part of the change process, and one drives or walks somewhere and gets lost because familiar landmarks are gone or changed enough to be unrecognizable. Now I won’t say who got lost or how many times, but I was quite surprised and am still finding my way ’round as best as I can.

Then there are the things that haven’t changed, which thankfully are more than those that have. The fellow who waits for the bus at the transit center at XX pm in the evenings is still waiting for the bus, right on schedule. The drivers here are still friendly (thank God!), and the Tex-Mex is still horribly fattening but oh so good.

What’s really poignant are those situations where I see old acquaintances* and ask what I’ve been up to:

“I returned from a contract in London last week.”
“Really! Oh how nice, I didn’t know you were gone. I’ve always wanted to go to Europe.” *

It’s like that, isn’t it? One of the most grand, exciting, frightening, and rewarding experiences our family’s been in is really just a footnote to most casual friends. How can you express all of our adventures in a passing conversation in the corridor?

Makes me wonder what the guy next to me on the bus been up to this past year or so…

* (No they aren’t aged, but our friendships have matured)
** (Yes, I’ve learned there’s a difference between the UK and The Continent.)

7 May 2005

Texas is Big. Really Big. I never really saw this before until I saw one of the mini-Coopers here scooting down the freeway amongst a set of minivans, trucks and SUV’s. Toilets (bathrooms, in American English) with closets inside the room, and lifts (elevators) that can house a small army.

 Yes, and big in more than just real estate. I’ve never seen so many apple-shaped people before working in the business district. (That one little blonde writer whose column is wedged in The Metro would have a field day here.) I’m certain they were always there but I never thought much of it. I can’t help but get a devilish grin, thinking of how some of these folks would manage a daily commute on the Northern Line to Canary Wharf.

All those stairs and walking (and squeezing into a sardine-can of fellow commuters on the train).

Makes me want to keep up my 40 minutes of walking per day (20 mins to work and 20 back) that I had been doing in London.

Brrr it’s snowing this week on the Isle. Kids are having a blast; they’ve seen snow before but it’s been so long ago that they can’t remember it.

It’s been since ’92 since I’ve actually lived in the snow so this is a refreshing change of pace.

Not bad, windy as all get-out, but with my new Balascarfa I’m warm as a bug in a rug (but I gotta be careful not to look like a mugger when I wear Option #3).


Here’s an interesting site for us conspiracy theory nuts who enjoy guessing who’s taking over the world…


On this I found, interestingly enough, Disney*, who in my opinion has a track record of changing often-told stories like ‘Hercules’ and ‘Anastasia’ also owns… The History Channel. Eek!

And, funny enough, Time Warner, the company who brought us the rather bizarre ‘Batman’ movies and the cool ‘Matrix movies, also recently performed an acid mod on Bugs Bunny’s descendants, making an anime version of Toontown**. They also own a publication called ‘Progressive Farmer’. Makes me wonder what they plan to do to tomatoes as well.

* See http://cbae.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/DisneyTamaraland.html for an interesting analysis of Disney as a storytelling force in today’s world

** See http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/features/3045502 for more info on this topic.

Ok I’ve been spending too much time with the TV on nearby at home.

The guy sitting across from me is from Egypt and sounds just like the man running the ‘Punching Dummy’ from the ‘Master of Disguise’ movie. You get to meet the ‘Punching Dummy’ guy at the end of the movie.

Then, there’s a local lady a few desks down who sounds like one of the characters from the ‘Teletubbies’ show, especially when she answers the phone. (“Hallooo… uh oh… Goot Byeee…”)

It’s hard to keep a ‘stiff upper lip’ around here sometimes. I’m certain my slight Texas accent doesn’t help them either…

Ho boy it just hit me how difficult it would be to learn how to drive in the UK after moving from the USA.

Not the driving-on-the-opposite-side-of-the-road thing, or even the driving-through-a-roundabout thing.

It’s the stick shift.

Think of it… you’re used to smoothly shifting up and down the gears, around turns, from stoplights, up and down hills, etc.

Using what? Your RIGHT arm. Now, you’d need to relearn the process using your LEFT arm.

For people slow in the head like me this could take some time…. and would be quite the exciting challenge.

Hi all,

Normally I don’t send long emails. But today’s sequence of news blips I monitor came up with an interesting collection of items.

I’ve attached three after my signature, in the order in which they came in my inbox.

My reactions were firstly, measured happiness with the first story, disturbed shock and anger with the second, then sadness and resolve in the third.

To me this is a reminder that we must be always aware of how God lives in our lives on a daily basis, and how the devil wants to interrupt that relationship.

[Soapbox speech starts]

Our kids must also be reminded of this message since their personal history is much newer than our own. For instance, it may not be a big deal to our kids to use pop stars in a Nativity scene. Certainly the power of God does not live in the mannequins or the arrangement of the scene. But bringing popular celebrities into the story of Jesus’ birth does trivialize the Christmas story and the kids aren’t aware of that.

Brings to mind a Christmas special we watched on TV for a popular cartoon called ‘Recess’ (“Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street”). Since it is a Disney product I expected that it would not bring much in the way of evangelical Christian messages but I was really upset when the finale of the cartoon kids’ Christmas play (which told us how much Christmas means to all of our hearts) began with Druids, proceeded with Kwanzaa, had a kid dressed as a Jewish menorah, and ended up with Santa Claus and other religious symbols all dancing on stage and singing. Hmmm seems the only major religion not represented was, uh, Jesus Himself, the reason for the CHRISTmas season in the first place. It didn’t help that the ending shot was of five of the kids laying on the ground making snow angels, forming the shape of an upside-down pentagram. I am NOT joking or paranoid, watch it for yourself when it comes on TV.

[Soapbox speech ends]

Whew had to get that out of my system, thanks for listening (reading?).


Famous Atheist Now Believes in God

Thu Dec 9, 4:57 PM ET
U.S. National – AP

By RICHARD N. OSTLING, AP Religion Writer

NEW YORK – A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God — more or less — based on scientific evidence, and says so on a video released Thursday.

At age 81, after decades of insisting belief is a mistake, Antony Flew has concluded that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the universe. A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature, Flew said in a telephone interview from England.

Flew said he’s best labeled a deist like Thomas Jefferson, whose God was not actively involved in people’s lives.

“I’m thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins,” he said. “It could be a person in the sense of a being that has intelligence and a purpose, I suppose.”

Flew first made his mark with the 1950 article “Theology and Falsification,” based on a paper for the Socratic Club, a weekly Oxford religious forum led by writer and Christian thinker C.S. Lewis.

Over the years, Flew proclaimed the lack of evidence for God while teaching at Oxford, Aberdeen, Keele, and Reading universities in Britain, in visits to numerous U.S. and Canadian campuses and in books, articles, lectures and debates.

There was no one moment of change but a gradual conclusion over recent months for Flew, a spry man who still does not believe in an afterlife.

Yet biologists’ investigation of DNA “has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved,” Flew says in the new video, “Has Science Discovered God?”

The video draws from a New York discussion last May organized by author Roy Abraham Varghese’s Institute for Metascientific Research in Garland, Texas. Participants were Flew; Varghese; Israeli physicist Gerald Schroeder, an Orthodox Jew; and Roman Catholic philosopher John Haldane of Scotland’s University of St. Andrews.

The first hint of Flew’s turn was a letter to the August-September issue of Britain’s Philosophy Now magazine. “It has become inordinately difficult even to begin to think about constructing a naturalistic theory of the evolution of that first reproducing organism,” he wrote.

The letter commended arguments in Schroeder’s “The Hidden Face of God” and “The Wonder of the World” by Varghese, an Eastern Rite Catholic layman.

This week, Flew finished writing the first formal account of his new outlook for the introduction to a new edition of his “God and Philosophy,” scheduled for release next year by Prometheus Books.

Prometheus specializes in skeptical thought, but if his belief upsets people, well “that’s too bad,” Flew said. “My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato’s Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.”

Last week, Richard Carrier, a writer and Columbia University graduate student, posted new material based on correspondence with Flew on the atheistic www.infidels.org Web page. Carrier assured atheists that Flew accepts only a “minimal God” and believes in no afterlife.

Flew’s “name and stature are big. Whenever you hear people talk about atheists, Flew always comes up,” Carrier said. Still, when it comes to Flew’s reversal, “apart from curiosity, I don’t think it’s like a big deal.”

Flew told The Associated Press his current ideas have some similarity with American “intelligent design” theorists, who see evidence for a guiding force in the construction of the universe. He accepts Darwinian evolution but doubts it can explain the ultimate origins of life.

A Methodist minister’s son, Flew became an atheist at 15.

Early in his career, he argued that no conceivable events could constitute proof against God for believers, so skeptics were right to wonder whether the concept of God meant anything at all.

Another landmark was his 1984 “The Presumption of Atheism,” playing off the presumption of innocence in criminal law. Flew said the debate over God must begin by presuming atheism, putting the burden of proof on those arguing that God exists.

Furor Over Scrapping of Christmas Play

Thu Dec 9,11:44 AM ET
By Philip Pullella

ROME (Reuters) – An Italian school’s substitution of a Nativity play with Little Red Riding Hood so as not to offend Muslim children has raised the Vatican (news – web sites)’s ire and sparked debate on how much traditions should change to accommodate immigrants.

The episode was the latest in a series in recent weeks which made headlines as overwhelmingly Catholic Italy comes to grips with an ever-growing Muslim population which some see as a blessing for the economy and others as a threat.

Pope John Paul (news – web sites), in a message for the Catholic Church’s World Day of Migrants, weighed in indirectly, saying Christians had to respect cultural differences but had to proclaim the gospel and defend traditions.

Last week, a public elementary school in the northern city of Treviso decided that Little Red Riding Hood would be this year’s Christmas play instead of the Christmas story.

The teachers said the famous tale was a fitting representation of the struggle between good and evil and would not offend Muslim children. The school’s traditional nativity scene was scrapped for the same reason.

In another school near Milan, the word “Jesus” was removed from a Christmas hymn and substituted with the word “virtue.” In Vicenza province an annual contest for the best Nativity scene in schools was canceled.

Conservative politicians and Churchmen blasted the moves.

“Are we losing our minds?,” said Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli, an outspoken member of the populist Northern League. “Do we want to erase our identity for the love of Allah?”

The Vatican, still smarting from its failure to win a reference to Europe’s Christian roots in the continent’s new constitution, said Christians should hold their ground.

“It is a perfect example of how not to respect the presence of different people, in this case our Muslim brothers, by annihilating our own identity,” said Bishop Agostino Marchetto, head of the Vatican’s department for migrants.

“We have to accept others but others have to accept our identity,” he told reporters.

The Vatican has been waging a battle to keep Christ in Christmas. Wednesday it harshly criticized a Nativity scene in London which portrayed soccer star David Beckham and his wife Victoria as Joseph and Mary.

Cardinal Camillo Ruini of Rome went on national television event Wednesday to issued a battle cry over respect for traditional Nativity creches.

“These things can seem small but the spirit behind them is radically wrong and can have very heavy consequences on our young people,” he said.

Italy, with a population of 57 million, is home to an estimated one million officially registered Muslims, making Islam the country’s second largest religion. But social services groups say the number is much higher and growing.

The controversies have divided Italian Muslims, who are trying to integrate themselves in a Catholic country where they have found jobs.

“Those Christmas plays are like forced indoctrination,” said Abdel Smith, one of Italy’s most outspoken Muslim leaders, who has launched legal battles to take crucifixes from school walls.

But Hamed Shaari, head of a major Islamic cultural institute in Milan, said it was “senseless” to change the words of a Christmas song that has 2,000 years of tradition behind it.

“It’s great that people are aware of our feelings but traditions should be respected. This way, we can respect ours as well,” he said.

Vatican university takes on the devil

Thu Dec 9, 1:48 PM ET

By Philip Pullella

ROME (Reuters) – Forget the new “Exorcist” film, the Vatican (news – web sites) is offering the real thing.

A Vatican university says it will hold a special “theoretical and practical” course for Roman Catholic priests on Satanism and exorcism in response to what the Church says is a worrying interest in the occult, particularly among the young.

This year, Italy was gripped by the story of two teenage members of a heavy metal rock band called the “Beasts of Satan” who were killed by other band members in a human sacrifice.

The deaths horrified Catholic Italy, with pages of newspapers given over to descriptions of the black candles and goats’ skulls decorating one victim’s bedroom and witness statements of sexual violence.

The Regina Apostolorum, one of Rome’s most prestigious pontifical universities, said in a statement on Thursday that such episodes should be seen as an “alarm bell to take seriously a problem which is still far too underestimated”.

“In the last few years there has been a lot of interest in Satanism and it develops because of the media. It’s not that the devil is in the media, rock and roll or the Internet but the media can be damaging when it is used the wrong way,” Carlo Climati, one of the professors of the course, told Reuters.

“For young people, interest in Satanism can start with a CD, move onto the Internet. From there, it sometimes develops into home-grown, seemingly harmless things like going to cemeteries but sometimes can lead to murders, as we have seen.”

The two-month course, which begins in February and will be limited to priests and advanced students of theology, will include themes such as Satanism, diabolic possession and “prayers of liberation”.

Satanism, the statement said, aimed to sow confusion among the young and promote a world without moral rules.

According to some estimates, as many as 5,000 people are thought to be members of Satanic cults in Italy with 17- to 25-year-olds making up three quarters of them.

Interest in the devil and the occult has been boosted by films such as “The Exorcist” in 1973 and this year’s “Exorcist: The Beginning”.

In 1999, the Vatican issued its first updated ritual for exorcism since 1614 and warned that the devil is still at work.

The official Roman Catholic exorcism starts with prayers, a blessing and sprinkling of holy water, the laying on of hands on the possessed, and the making of the sign of the cross.

It ends with an “imperative formula” in which the devil is ordered to leave the possessed.

The formula begins: “I order you, Satan…” It goes on to denounce Satan as “prince of the world” and “enemy of human salvation”. It ends: “Go back, Satan.”

Oh man that was something. The sky was overcast and foggy but we could still see the massive fireworks display over the area.

The air was chilly but not overly so, and we could see the thin green laser line of light coming from 0 degree meridian at Greenwich to shoot off and fade away in the distance overhead.

The best part was after the show. We turned around and went straight into the bedroom and tucked the kids in. Whew you couldn’t ask for a better view.

We can still hear bangs from the neighbors’ fireworks going off and it’s going to be a noisy night. But a lovely one.

Hi kids, we are not alone. Other people in this world don’t like having the devil try to influence our friends either.

This time a kid did what was right and didn’t answer a question on a test because he knew it was wrong to support something that went against the Bible.



Pupil Appeals Harry Potter ‘Witchcraft’

Mon Nov 1, 9:12 AM ET

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – A South African schoolboy appealed to education authorities after refusing to answer an exam question on Harry Potter (news – web sites) because he believes the best-selling children’s books promote witchcraft.

Eighteen-year-old John Smit did not answer a comprehension question on a review of one of J.K. Rowling (news – web sites)’s books on the boy wizard, worth 30 percent of his English exam.

“He wouldn’t answer it because it supports witchcraft, and we’re against witchcraft … the Bible is against witchcraft,” Smit’s mother, who did not wish to give her first name, told Reuters.

The family has written to provincial director of examinations to complain. Authorities have yet to respond.

“I hope they will give him his average mark. This shouldn’t happen again,” she said.

African Christian Democratic Party MP Cheryllyn Dudley said South Africa needed a clear policy to avoid other pupils facing moral dilemmas during exams.

“I have read (Harry Potter books), I have researched them thoroughly, and my personal opinion is that they are witchcraft manuals,” Dudley told Reuters.