Only the superbowl could bring ozzy osbourne and justin beiber together
Author: Der Monkey
Those who know me know I’m an avid monkey fan.
No not the Made-For-TV pop band the Monkees.
I’m talking the swing-from-the-trees type. Apes will do as well, but for today’s analogy I’m going with the ones who do some serious air time.
Things have been crazy these last, oh, let’s say ten years or so. Never quite know what to expect one day to the next.
Well when things get crazy, God puts an image of a monkey in my mind.
Ever watch a monkey swinging from branch to branch, from tree to tree? I mean really watch next time you’ve got some Animal Planet show on TV.
The art with which said monkey gauges his or her air speed and branch swing and drop is simply incredible. And the speed at which the mental calculations must be taking place is more impressive.
And when a monkey misses a branch? He or she just catches the next one as the plummet is taking place. Wow.
It’s been said that walking is simply a controlled fall. That’s more easily imagined when one’s swinging about at a level roughly ten to twenty times one’s height.
Yep that’s what keeps me going sometimes – the image of me the monkey adjusting to things as they fly by, or as they are quickly approaching. Weeee π
Another image comes to mind too, which is what keeps me up at night sometimes.
Do you still have that swinging, happy monkey image in your mind?
Ok, good. Now make some adjustments…
Imagine sections of the jungle where gravity changes unexpectedly. Not just like lighter or heavier then normal, that would be too easy. Make the gravity swap around so up becomes down, left becomes up, that sort of thing. And yep make the gravity heavier and lighter at random. But in most areas make the gravity normal.
Hmmm let’s also make random tree limbs turn to, say, donuts. And some of them look like regular limbs but make them sticky or ultra slippery and stuff.
It’s like that sometimes when things head my direction. Of course not really in real life but sure feels like that.
So on those days when I seem a bit off, it’s because things happen and those kinds of ideas are the thoughts that are zoom zoom zooming past, which keep me sane.
Then there are the dreams I have when I have time to sleep, let’s not talk about those π
Hello, Kitty?
Wolfie wolfie here wolfie wolfie
Keep a spare to hand
I keep an extra song in my head, so when i come across one of those songs that just won’t leave my head, i pull my backup one out and crank it up
Now where has that weekend gone off to?
Four days, five states, 2200+ driving miles, one birthday celebration (my Dad’s), one 11-year wedding anniversary (Sis and B-I-L), one zombie walk, one meeting with the co-producer* of my fav film (“They Live”), one visit to my other fav movie site (“Laaaaf is laaaak a box a chack letts”) and one trailer title consultation, and i’m home.
Monger musing
I’m intrigued by the word ‘monger’ – as in warmonger, fearmonger, ironmonger, etc.
The dictionary defines it as one who sells or promotes something, usually something that is petty or undesirable.
So if I’m in the business of promoting people who are petty and undesirable (i.e. if I’m a ganster leader) does that make me a mongermonger?
Sounds like a James Bond villan’s name, so that’s probably right.
…hails from the little village named Sleepyham…
Nine silvers for a ham
Funny stuff, and only YOU know what i mean [nudge nudge wink wink]:
C heapie run. C heapie fall down. Get up heapie, get up
O no it looks like my c heap might be exhausted. It’s no wonder, we’re working the poor guy to death
When my eldest daughter was a tiny child, i had fun once when she had the hiccups. I asked her to sing the “Alphabet Song” all the way through without hiccuping, and if she did, she had to start over. Yay that was fun and we laughed a lot – well most if it was from me, he he he. Yes I’m evil that way.
Well I’m experiencing the same kind of thing today at work. I don’t have the hiccups but the system I support does. And I have to get through certain tasks all the way through to completion before the system “hiccups” or I have to start all over.
I’d be really frustrated by now, but I remember my daughter’s laugh when she couldn’t stop hiccuping and that makes me smile π
mmmm mmmore mmmonitors please
[ mr sulu, set a course for dreamland, drool factor 8 ]
…here it is…!
I had always wondered why, when looking for something, it was always in the last place i would have looked.
Then i realised it’s because once i found the thing, i stopped looking for it.
Moving day, where’s my gun?
it’s funny, when packing up and moving after having had a number of teenagers living in (and moving out of) the house, how quickly one’s set of questions changes from the normal existential ones like,
“do i really need all this?”,
“what’s the purpose of this thing?”
to the more concrete ones like,
“hey, where’d that ___ go?”,
“hey, who brought THAT into my house?”
and my favorite one right now,
“ok, where’s my gun? i’m going to go rip some answers out now”
heh. heh. heh.
Computers and London Busses
I’m waiting for a computer processes to take place, knowing I’m not going to hit my deadline, and looking for ways to calm the alarms going off in my head…
So I’m cleaning up old emails, puttering about and glancing at the ominously still, black console that hides the churning of activity taking place inside a server somewhere. And taking my lunch break here at the desk as well, waiting for a prompt to pop up so we can continue onwards.
As I look at the screen, I’m reminded of what it’s like to get on a bus on the far eastern end of London on an early Saturday morningβ¦ let me take you back there [queue wavy special effect on the screen]
Folks on the East End of town generally take queuing up in a haphazard manner. This goes for anything really – whether it’s waiting for a bus, train, or even walking down the sidewalk. It’s not a thing they take seriously – lines on the sidewalk or in a given waiting area are more hints of suggestions than anything else in that part of the City.
In my mind’s eye, I’m standing in a shifting queue waiting for any given bus (or train) on any given early Saturday afternoon.
As it is here in Houston, a general rush period occurs shortly after the noon hour. The main difference is that in London, the sidewalks and public transport are bursting with activity as well as automobiles on the streets – probably more so.
An interesting thing happens then when the bus (or train) appears in view in this memory of mine in East End London. The almost-neatly-formed queue starts to clot and thicken, as does gravy in a hot pan. Folks begin to close in, anticipating where the door will be, and the occasional foot gets trod upon in the process. I’ve learned how to use my elbows effectively in this type of situation.
As the bus (or train) slows to a halt, the clumps of people congregate into a tight mass. Think of photos of iron fillings on a white piece of paper as they arrange themselves along the lines of flow when a magnetic bar is placed under the paper. A collective shiver of anticipation and hidden sideways glances pass through the crowd of now-nearly-formless groups of people as they plot their move into the vehicle.
And then, as the door opens, a nearly silent mad rush occurs to get into the opening. There’s a definite feeling of suppressed panic that one gets when trying to keep some civil distance away from those in front, as those behind are relentlessly pushing forward. At some point, the pressure wave of flesh, clothing and various amplitudes of scent pops one through the opening, where a similar but less urgent demand for space is taking place.
At this point in my mind, a juxtaposition takes place. This image I just painted is kind of what I’m imagining is happening behind that magic black screen that holds my progress hostage.
At the moment, we’ve a number of dev-types like myself who are also shoving our way into various bits of the system, all at the same time. And like any given Saturday afternoon in any given point of East End London, we’re causing a rush of activity that is no less mad than the scene I’ve taken part of many times on the physical realm.
Ah well, all’s well. We’ll keep churning on then, and will cheer those invisible byte-sized travelers along as they make their way along their journey.
zzzzz[snurt] huh, whazzah?
i’m not sleeping, i’m just thinking very very hard
Friday 13th fun fun fun until daddy takes the trunk to the shop
Happy Friday 13 almost over π truck’s belt broke tonight, waah.
Actually that’s divine timing – i’ve a road trip to Austin and back scheduled for Sunday.
If the belt was going to go out, I’d rather it happen close to home than in the middle of nowhereland…
…incoming text message at 11:56 pm can never be a good thing
…it was work-related, some emergency that needed fixing on the spot.Β It’s been a long time since i’ve been working as a support person and i’m reminded of why i don’t actively chase those roles π
Well, it’s better than the knock on the door at 3 am.Β At least i get paid for the work call, the middle-of-the-night door knocking always means i’m paying for something at some point π
And 13 other pagans
A late night’s self-chatter in the war room
Successful SVN re-integration linked to ACR in CQ; that was due to a SIR assigned to me via QC. Yay, otherwise I would have been SOL AFAIK, bcuz the due date is ASAP.
Ah well LOL squared is better than PTSD…
Yes this is my life these daze, mostly work, tach hitting redline for awhile now, yay and weeeee
29 June 2010 at 22:01
o yah and i’m s’posed to be working right now XD
well i am, just needed a much deserved break
ooo shiny electronica station! and it scrobbles too
29 June 2010 at 22:25
o fun, a challenge!
“Checking to see if re-integrating branch will result in merge conflicts…
Re-integration will result in merge conflicts for the echo following file(s):”
for those reading this who aren’t familiar with this error message, let’s just say you don’t want to become familiar with it, heh.
29 June 2010 at 22:58
yay issue resolved. next?!?
see what fun a challenge can be? woop woop put on my party hat now.
ok maybe it’s not THAT much fun.
29 June 2010 at 23:23
no! my java heap needs more space
o i long for the days of yore, when all ’twas needed was 637 kb to store
29 June 2010 at 23:26
see, if i were to post this stuff above on my WORK “facebook”, my co-workers who don’t know me as well as those on here would seriously doubt my unarguably awesome skills π
29 June 2010 at 23:44
…elvis has left the building…
“thengyew, thengyew verrymush”
30 June 2010 at 02:38
[commenter] Even I know it’s very bad if your java heap needs more space… π
yes and the worst part is that the camera adds ten pounds when i take a snapshot for code review signoff. quite embarrassing, that