Author: Der Monkey
This is a post inspired by the demise of the Facebook app – discussed on “Does this app really work?
—— ( used to have a fully-functional Facebook app that allowed one to link one’s account to a Facebook account. Depending upon one’s settings for the app, a link would be posted to the Facebook wall whenever one ‘loved’ a song from player or smartphone app.
That was nice, but what was nicer was that every time one ‘loved’ a song, the artist was added to one’s Facebook’s ‘Arts and Entertainment’ section in the FB profile.
Alas no more.
The app developers had the Facebook app located on their website here: but the app is kaput. Sadface.
I got that link above from’s blog page at which is where I originally found the app in the first place a couple of years ago.
How this looks when one’s viewing the profile page
How this looks when one’s manually editing the profile page:
The app used to add new entries automagically.
Chinese Internet Mafia
Hey No Fair
It’s not Walk Disney
Funny. And Silly
What, you worry? You’d better
It helps to master a look of simultaneous worry and anger on one’s face.
This is especially useful when walking into a convenience store in a bad part of town.
The bad guys don’t know if you are crazier than they are and will leave you alone.
You do get some attention from the security guards and store keepers, but just leave your hands in plain sight and no one gets hurt 🙂
Howdy Doo Dat?
For those wanting to know what I use for picture scanning and manipulation (and other stuffs), here’s my voodoo mojokit:
I use a HP Officejet 6500 All-in-One Printer – E709a, but any will do really, as long as it supports “Twain” scanning.
The scanner you purchase will come with drivers and etc. that control the scanning process. If the scanner comes with “Twain-compliant” drivers, you can override the scanner’s file saving features with more exciting and sexy options. Well yes, software can be exciting and sexy and at the same time doesn’t have to be something to hide from your spouse. But only if you’re realllly nerdy like me.
There’s an interesting history behind the term “Twain” as it pertains to scanners at this site:,,sid9_gci213232,00.html.
Batch photo scan control (freeware!)
This software Irfanview ( is massively cool if you are interested in managing electronic pictures.
I’ll focus on the bits that relate to scanned pictures instead of going off on random tangents. But that’s no real guarantee, though, as a random tangent is, by definition, random. As is this aside you’re reading at the moment…
Once this software has been installed, you tell it what is your Twain-compliant scanner, like so:

My scanner came with not one but TWO Twain drivers. Why? I dunno. I picked one and it worked, so I’m not asking any more questions…
Having set this up, you’ll want to set up a location for the scanned photos, as seen below. I’ll explain the naming convention in a second but you can see a sample here:
After gazing upon all this beauty, one might ask, “How did he name all these files? Did he have to type in the names by hand or copy/paste and modify the names?”
The answer is, “No I’m far too lazy for that, I set up my handy dandy freeware app to do this for me, like this…”
Every scanner’s driver software is unique to the scanner, so I can’t advise on how your scanner works to capture the image. I’ve shown an example from my HP scanner. The end result though will be sent to Irfanview, which will automatically save and name the file as per your settings set above.
Backup storage device
Yay! It’s so easy and eventually becomes fun. Hours and hours and hours and hours of fun.
Boo! I am afraid I’ll lose my hours of work.
Can I copy these to CD/DVD? Yes! But don’t. CD/DVD for photos are as reliable as potato chips and not nearly as much fun when they go crunch.
Do yourself a favour and get a good, inexpensive mega-gigabyte USB or network drive. These will tell you when they start to fail, unlike CD/DVDs which will simply smile and laugh at your vain attempts to get any usable data off them in the future when they get scratched or simply get tired and stop working.
CD/DVDs use a gooey substance holds ‘bumps’ in place as the laser ‘writing’ takes place. Eventually the goo gets ‘tired’ and loses its shape, meaning the laser in the CD/DVD writer can’t read the morse-code-like bumps. So even a perfectly happy, unscratched CD/DVD will fail over time. Especially if the data on it is extremely precious 🙂 More info than I care to read about can be found here:
If you’re really really really interested in archiving family photos to CD/DVD, you’ll want to read up on the topic at this site: or at this site:
I use a Western Digital networked hard drive for my backups. Any good quality drive will do – I’d go for a USB mega-gigabyte drive if you’re not interested in getting a dedicated network drive.
More info about the drive can be found here:
Automated (freeware!) backup
So do you have to manually copy-and-paste each file onto the backup file drive?
Not if you are lazy like me! Yay for laziness!
I use Yadis! freeware file backup software ( which runs in the background once I set it up. I select the directory to monitor and the software automagically syncs and/or copies new/changed files without my intervention.
And yes, ! is actually in the Yadis! name. I’m not that excited about exclamation points!!!
thank you
Lost in translation. No wonder we’re in trouble :)
Eureka moment using Bad Translator (
Original text:
“We’ve spent too much money and must stop now”
…10 translations later Google gives us:
“We need to stop and spend a lot of money”
Every Day
Good vs Evil. You decide which is which, I’m just the messenger :)
Greco-Roman wrestler’s insane ‘flying squirrel’ takedown
chicken with a-1 steak sauce
mmmm salmon treat
What is the Internet Doing to our Brains?
This is a good lecture on the study of the effect of internet-based activity on the human brain. It’s 26 mins long so not the usual “funny kitty’ video, but well worth the time investment 🙂
My only issue is that the lecturer is using a single company name to represent the term “internet search engine” – many folks do this and it’s as silly as calling every car on the road a “Ford”.
Reveille at midnight leads to lights-out by sundown
These crazy UK-based hours are driving me kind of nuts. Well more nuts than usual. Ready for bed at 5 pm these days, now that 5 pm is the new 11 pm, haha.
Only until end of August though. And working six hours ahead of the rest of my local world is a LOT less costly than making another trip over yonder, lovely tho that was.
Combat jugglers are… combative
Ha I so when I was a kid I could have gotten away with throwing the plastic bowling pins at my brothers and sisters by saying we were practicing for ‘combat juggling’?
O man I sure missed out on that one 🙂
More from the World Juggling Federation here:
Scary video, fellow Americans
I notice the care in which he speeds through the bit where he actually says “we” (he and his close staff) have a “better vision” for our country than what was originally set up by the original founders of the country.
Better than ‘divided government’? I thought the whole point of dividing up our government into three parts was to prevent absolute power from corrupting absolutely. Checks and balances and all that.
Anyone who even suggests this is not the best form of government is clearly not fit to be in such a position of power.
…someone please tell me this was taken out of context, and help me see in what context these words are appropriate for our President to be saying.
I think, therefore I am… confused
If you’re like me, and do “thought multi-tasking”, then you’re familiar with the concept of setting a thought aside when something else comes to focus.
This happens sometimes hundreds of times a day, depending upon how busy things are and what’s got priority at the moment.
So here I am, in a typical day, just puttering along doing stuff, with the usual background noise of thoughts buzzing along and shifting for attention.
Then some random song comes on my playlist and BAM! I’m completing a thought I had set aside…
…set aside from sometime back in 1974.
I know it was from back then, because I also recalled where I was, and what I was doing at the moment. Apparently I was listening to the same song back then because that was the trigger for me to pick this thought back up and finish it.
Funny thing is, I can’t remember what that thought is now. I was so surprised by this realization that I dropped the thought as soon as I completed it to ponder on how strange this was.
O the irony.