Howdy all, finally sat down to see what this rss/atom/newsfeed thing is and it’s pretty nice.
With blogger – the company that brings to you and me this online weblog experience — a blogger like myself can set up site feeds like the big boys of news publishing do (i.e. bbcnews, reuters, wired, etc.).
This means you, gentle reader, can “subscribe” to this web log with any feed reader, and can get updates automatically without having to come back to this web page (sad sniff). A list of feed readers follows at the end of this message. This means that you can receive these messages as I post them just like they are email.
(Grrr this also means I have to grow up and use Mixed Case in my posts from now on. It’s hard to convince someone that you’re serious about something when you can’t use proper punctuation and grammar skills…)
On this website are orange ‘XML’ buttons. Clicking on the buttons will show you some strange-looking stuff. The web address that shows up in your web browser’s “address bar” is the link you’ll need to put into your feed reader.
Feed readers are a very nice way to keep up with news items and items of interest. The feeds are normally very small (unlike this growing note) and download very quickly. This way you don’t have to log into a web page (and load the graphics, wade through the advertisements, etc.) to get your news. Like espresso vs. fluffy coffee drink.
P.S. I tried to come up with a list of feed readers but it is a very LONG list. Do a web search for the phrase “free feedreaders” and pick one that sounds like fun.
Here are links to some search results: