Today’s just be thought is on allowing ourselves time to recover from pain.
Not just recovery from the type of thing one would expect – financial losses, failed relationships, tragic events.
No, we are all recovering from our childhoods.
Regardless of our upbringing, the transition into our adult selves is traumatic to each of us. And terribly personal.
Even our very first act in this world is a cry of desperation, confusion, fear. It is a cry for help.
For some of us who are blessed enough to find another who is recovering at the same level and rate as ourselves, cherish that blessing. Many struggle with that.
We must be kind to ourselves and others as we recognize our own struggles through these childhood transitions. Many are not willing to pass through these gates as they know deep inside that each gate represents a loss and a pain they don’t want to manage.
Let childhood go.
We can still embrace life with childlike eyes and hearts.
But we must let the childish desires and actions be. We must let go those who have intentionally or unintentionally harmed us when we were young.
The sooner we do that, the more quickly we start recovering.