Today is a day filled with blessings and adventure.
Of course, it’s how one looks at things.
A few weeks ago my dying truck refused to stay running in cold weather. Stupid thing. I bought a second vehicle and wouldn’t you know it, I got a crack in the windshield by a flying rock on day #2 of driving in to the office. That’s what happens when we start pressuring folks back into the office instead of letting them work comfortably at home.
I had to walk over a mile in 30-something degree weather to get to a food place just now. That’s because the auto dealership I went to today is making me wait 4 hours instead of the 1.5 hours they originally promised. And their vending machine has nothing but junk food. What a day. What else can go wrong?
I am blessed to have had a vehicle that has been faithfully taking me to work and pleasure spots for well over a decade now. The poor little guy needs help and I need to have a backup vehicle. Thankfully I have set aside cash and have the opportunity to purchase a second vehicle, and still have cash to have repair work done on the ol’ gorilla.
I can purchase a second vehicle because I’m employed. My employer has generosity allowed me the opportunity to work from home for months. Still, my team members whom I really like are excited to see all of us in person. I’m blessed to know and work with people who genuinely enjoy each other. Earning money at a company with people I enjoy being with is wonderful.
On the way to work in my new vehicle a rock smacked the windshield and a crack developed. I’ve been on this drive often enough to have seen some of the worst auto accidents ever. If a whack to the windshield is the worst I’ll ever encounter on the commute then I’m truly a blessed man. The crack is large enough to warrant a new windshield. Ah well.
There’s an auto dealership near me that can replace the windshield at a much lower cost than some of the alternatives. They’re very popular and busy so the original time estimate for the work they’ll do is a little longer than planned. Still, it’ll be ready the same day I brought it in. That is very nice. I can’t imagine how long it would take me to purchase, pick up, and replace the broken windshield with a new one on my own in my front yard! I can wait a little while longer than planned.
Because it’s a sunny day and I have a couple extra hours to spare I have decided to walk to a nearly food place. The walk isn’t terribly bad – barely over a mile – and walking therapy is always a good thing. It’s really nice that the temp is cool enough to make that walk without breaking a sweat. It’s not often that we get nice walking weather in southeast Texas so I’ll jump on this opportunity!
It’s going to be a great day.