Today’s Just Be thought
This one is on the power of questions. In any conversation it’s easy to feel uncomfortable asking “why” and “what is this” when everyone else nodding their heads as someone is speaking.
In my profession there are so many opportunities to ask questions because so many things are brand new to me, even though I’ve been doing this for over 30 years.
During the first 10 years I always asked my questions quietly and in private because I assumed I was expected to know everything about the processes.
The next 10 years was spent asking the questions but only to a small group, since I understood not everyone expected me to know the answers up front.
Since then I’ve gained enough experience to know that if I’m not always asking questions, I’m opening the doors for failure since sometimes no one’s asked the critical questions soon enough.
Funny how as I get more experienced, I say things that young me thought would lead others to think I don’t know anything. But the truth is, I’m being complimented for doing just that. If only I’d known that 30 years ago, haha