I’m a member of an online discussion group and someone asked the question, “Has humanity become a malignant virus on earth?”
That got me to thinking.
And then I started writing.
Here’s my reply.
No. We are fully capable of performing wonderous and terrible things and all in between. Many will call for the cleansing of the earth of our kind and that is a shame.
If all one looks at is the worst of us, then all one comes away with is the horrible things we do.
We are also incredibly gifted with potential that exceeds our perceived limitations. We just need to recognize this and push for that.
And also we must kindly understand the misdeeds of our brethren and help each other want to be better versions of ourselves. I don’t think malignant viruses are capable of this.
Heh, apologies if I sound a bit enthusiastic about our kind here. I’ve just returned from a gathering of friends met to honor a mutual friend and his wife.
He’d fallen about three years ago and died en route to the hospital due to a head injury. He was brought back but suffered brain damage. He’s still in recovery and his right side is partially paralyzed. He can speak and move about but has lost the ability to come up with ways to say the words forming in his head. Like understanding a foreign language when one hears the words but not knowing how to respond.
So why is this an example of the awesomeness of humankind?
Tonight I saw the result of the Drs and Nurses and folks who developed these things called “vehicles” and “hospitals” and my friend’s lovely and patient wife and the 50 or so friends who express continued interest in helping this family.
I saw the crooked smile on my friend’s face and saw his eyes light up as he saw familiar-yet-puzzling faces pop into view.
I see the glow of his wife taking in all the love and encouragement from those literally surrounding the two of them. She’s been the steadfast bearer of all the work involved with not only her husband’s health care but the raising of their kids and managing what little gov’t assistance they receive.
I saw hope for our kind tonight. As ugly as we can be, we are also capable of being the lights that warm an otherwise cold and uncaring world.