“O hey, thanks for coming over so quickly.”
“No worries. Here, let me set this down and we’ll see what’s up.”
“Sure! O is that your lunch?”
“Some of it. I didn’t quite finish but I’ve a a banana left.” [Looks at scenario] “Ehrm, ah, this isn’t set up correctly.”
“I know! This ‘fishing’ thing, I still don’t quite get it. What am I doing wrong?”
“Well, for starters, this here…” [moves item over] “…should be here…”
“Ah! Brilliant! No wonder you’re the master. And what about this?”
“O dear. No, it’s to be held like…” [Shows correct usage]
“Oooo I see. Again, I couldn’t have seen that. And I do this…?” [Does this]
“No, no, but you’re very close. Here, see?” [Does this correctly, and hands the kit over to the learner]
“Ah. Now we’re talking! So then I do that…” [Does that]
“Sorry, you’re holding it wrong. Here, I’ll how you…” [Takes kit and uses it properly]
“Ahhh ok, nice, very nice!” [mobile phone rings] “Ah, hold on, I’m getting a call.” [Answers mobile] “Yes? No sorry, I’m in the middle of… are you sure? O dear, hold on.”
[Whispers to teacher] “I’ll be just a moment. Can you hold that for us? The line’s already cast. Won’t be a minute.”
“But… ahh”
“Is it ok if I borrow your banana? All this work has me quite hungry.”
“Erhm, well, ok…”
“You’re the best mate. The absolute best! Will be right back…”
[Teacher sits solo, fishing. What happened here?]

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