This was a response to a comment posted by a friend.  I slightly altered the post here as I had forgotten to include my experiences with unmarried women when responding to the original comment.  But this is the full text otherwise.  O and I added pictures because hey, i can, it’s my blog, haha



Two things can happen if you finally figure someone out, 1. You see that their genuine and a great person and you begin to care about that person then that leads to lust or envy which is a sin or 2. You find out their fake and living a lie then you begin to feel sorry for them then hate comes in the picture because you see what a waste it is of a good life….

My response

Ah this is one I can speak on with authority – or well, experience at least 🙂

Fortunately there are more than the two options suggested, yay!

In my line of work as a software consultant, I often work away from home. This last stint in the UK started off as a year-long contract. Ended up being a three year tour when all was said and done. Family were there with me for about 8 months during that time.

The rest of the time was just me, stress, lots of work, a lot of free time, eating, drinking, and scores of young attractive co-workers hanging on my every word, just waiting for any opportunity for us to get to know each other better. Nudge nudge wink wink.  Or cruising for “friendship” from girls in the red light districts if I didn’t want an office scandal on my hands.


Ok, that was the imagined life. The reality was that there was indeed stress, lots of work and *some* free time when I wasn’t working 10 to 12-hour days and wasn’t trying to hail my family on different frequencies. The co-worker/working girl thing? Well thankfully I’d prayed some prayers years ago which God was all to willing to grant.

I didn’t ask God to keep me from temptation, nor to deliver me from evil. Those are part of life, so I knew I needed to know how to deal with both. Instead I prayed He would to turn the scent and thrill of unfaithful desire into a rancid taste. And prayed that I would see past a beautiful face and personality to see the wonderful home and family she was building with her husband.

Young Couple with Two Children (8-12) Walking on the Beach

And I prayed that as and when a counseling moment might arise where she’d ask for input, I’d respond in a way that would honor the precious life she and her spouse were crafting before their children’s eyes.

And if she wasn’t married, had no kids, or was in an unhappy marriage?  Fortunately God had given insight into how relationships are more than what is shared with the family members.

Actions we take that “would never be found out” still ripple down our family lifeline, shaking things up and tossing the ship asunder.  Or they can vibrate down the family lifeline, creating the music we’ve promised to create with our spouse, soothing and encouraging our children and parents.  Or a combination of both.

So no, thankfully any temptation to “go out for a coffee maybe”, “sneak off for a quick quiet nip at the pub”, or “say love, how’s about a little excitement tonight” was water off a duck’s back.

That’s probably been the best set of prayers I’ve ever prayed for my life guidance – in this way I protect many hearts from despair.
As for option #2? Heh Shakespeare said it best – we are indeed merely players on the vast stage. Fortunately we’ve an earthly and church family who can help us stay on queue, and realise we’re still beautiful – even after the greasepaint comes off and we think no one’s around to peek at us.


If i ever needed to take the planet Jupiter for a leash walk, i’d have no problem – my 60 pound bundle of labbull has taught me the value of knowing how to use my center of gravity to its fullest extent

Doggie say yum

I posted a response to a question but the website replaced some of my words with others (i.e. “old” became “ancient”, “consistent” became “rectification” etc) so I reposted my ACTUAL words here and linked to this post.  Odd but frighteningly true, haha.

How do you train a black lab/bull mix?

Monday, April 18th, 2011 at 7:18 pm

Wе recently gοt thе cutest black lab/bull mix, very friendly bυt hasnt hаd a lick οf training…Shе doesnt even know hοw tο technically “gο οn a walk”. Shе isnt house kaput аnd barely knows simple commands. shes subdue a puppy bυt i wanna gеt hеr ѕοmе training bυt i dont know hοw tο gеt thru tο hеr. Please hеlр!


<snip snarky responses>


Ok, now for some actually HELPful feedback…

Generally speaking, a gentle home leads to a gentle dog.  I’ve rescued a black lab/bull terrier mix and he’s about 3 years old now.  He’s never had any problems socializing with other dogs, even when occasionally aggressively pursued at the local dog park.  He loves to meet new people and the folks at the kennel and vet adore his personality.

Very smart.  Very cuddly. And still very very very energetic, especially around new people.  That’s his drawback, his energy level.  When we’re on a leash walk and he sees someone, he wants to play, so he starts lunging on his collar and resisting commands.  Some folks take this as a sign of aggression or “territorialness” so they react in like form – backing off and in some cases running off.  This starts him barking which really makes things worse.  At the dog run I never have this problem since he can’t lunge on a leash (dogs run free in the fenced park) and when he gets to a person he simply sniffs and waits to be petted, then runs of to play with the other dogs.

So yours will probably have the same issues.  Pups are generally all over the place, literally as well as in their head, so some firm correction (not beating, but firm as in consistent) is needed.  When pup starts to yank on a leash, stop moving until the yanking stops.  If pup stops to sniff, don’t stop, but keep walking at a steady pace.  Pup will follow eventually, even if he or she’s being dragged away from the interesting smell 🙂  Don’t yank or yell and eventually pup will get the message that walking alongside you will keep things moving – and interesting.

Calm, quiet consistency will yield the best results in pup training, especially for the lab/bull terrier mix.  These pups love to dig so don’t leave pup alone in the back yard for very long or you’ll be out cruising the streets, looking for the rascal who dug under the fence.

Shouting at any pup won’t work in the long run.  You’ll end up with a neurotic, skittish adult dog who will be dangerous or an apathetic dog who won’t care to listen eventually.

Chewing will be a problem for any pup but for these with the jaws of iron it can make for a wreck of your home.  Mine used to gnaw very quietly on the wooden kitchen table legs and would rip dirty socks to shreds.  I started giving him cow thigh bone legs from the local grocery and the last one’s lasted him about a year.  Don’t give this breed any of those rawhide things – they’ll literally eat them in about a day, then will have the most horrible gut problems afterwards.  Meaning stinky messes in the living room, haha.

Doggie say yum

Crate training for sleeping at night is very good – the pup will bark and whine but again use calm, quiet consistency here.  When it’s time for bed, just pop him in it and let him cry.  Actually crates are good – they sleep better knowing they are in a ‘den’ and you sleep better knowing pup isn’t sneaking about chewing on things while you’re unconscious.  Mine stopped needing a crate after about 1 year of living with me – by then he was fully housebroken.

Don’t play ‘tug’ or ‘pull’ games with this mix, or any game that would encourage dominance, like ‘play fighting’ or ‘wrestling’.  These dogs are just too strong to play with like this; you’ll get hurt, and the dog will start to pick up on attitudes you’ll have trouble removing.  I say this from experience.  The folks who used to have my dog played this way and it took me almost two years to get him re-trained to stop.

The biggest issue you’ll have, assuming you’ve raising pup in a kind, quiet and consistent environment, is the high energy level which will be a problem during leash walking.  Just be patient and eventually pup will be walking along with you like a show dog.


Pics of my pup, taken about a year ago:

Also a ton of good stuff here:


Verrrry interesting.  A plethora of web articles like this one claim explicitly that the “Spongebob Squarepants” show has been blamed for poor study and attention span in children. (See this news stream and pick any article at random)

Others claim – such as this one –  that watching shows like the “Spongebob Squarepants” show is cited in a report as being the cause of the deficient behaviour.

However I took time to actually READ the report instead of giving it a quick gloss-over scan… The original can be found here if one chooses to take time to read it.   I’ve copied it to this post here also: peds.2010-1919.full[1]

Nowhere does the report name any particular show (or shows) it used for testing, with the exception of gov’t-sponsored Sesame Street.

Meaning the Scary Headlines are, as usual, suspect and lack factual information.  I do have to admit using a well-known cartoon caught my eye, but then again so would a fish hook.  And I’m not a fan of either method of grabbing one’s attention.

If the writers really didn’t mean to mislead the reader, then it’s too bad they didn’t take time to actually read the publication before blasting out an article based on half-read details mixed in with personal interests and agendas.

Or were they too distracted by TV to pay attention?



If you stop to rest because your feet are blistering in your shoes during a long walk, it’s a good time to breathe a prayer of thankfulness for the shoes.

And for the feet, too 🙂

Yes, for those who don’t already know, i’m a ‘puternerd. I was half-curious as to how much sleep i get on an average weekend so naturally i created a ‘sleep calculator’ excel workbook to help me get the exact numbers.

I stayed up late to finish it so my calcs were skewed.